We encourage all students to perform in our annual recital. It is such a wonderful experience for your child as well as your family. Information and paperwork regarding all costs of participating in the recital will be available at the front desk. We have two shows - 11:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. Recital venue: Oxnard Performing Arts Center 800 Hobson Way Oxnard, CA
RECITAL CLASS LISTS* The list below shows the classes in each recital, as well as the classes not participating in this year's recital. *This is NOT the order of the show. This just shows the classes in each performance.
In our past recitals, we changed the hairstyles for the two afternoon recitals (AND ALL TEAMS) in order to make the changing and backstage process easier for all involved - AND IT WENT SO WELL! We will be keeping this style for this year's shows, as well. Please take a look at the hair tutorial and photos below. In addition, there is a list of hairstyles, shoes, and tights for ALL SHOWS in the tab below. PLEASE NOTE: The list below says "bun" or "pony" for hair, and team dances. This style is to be done WITH the braids, as shown below. Some dances will simply switch between the bun and pony WITH the braids. If you need help with hair, there will be people backstage to assist you!
Recital Dress Rehearsal Friday, June 20, 2025 Beginning @ 9:00 AM Call times: In link below!
General directions for GDA dress rehearsal: Please arrive AT THE CALL TIME LISTED and please come in your first costume. You may bring all of your costumes at your first call time. If you have hair changes, please remember to bring your brush, comb, bobby pins, and hair bands to do your hair changes. Please remember to label everything with your child's name or initials, so if anything is left behind it can be returned to you. You will be dismissed after you have finished your last dance. There is no one allowed in audience during Dress Rehearsal. You may wait outside by the Check In Table for your dancer. Only Dressing Moms are allowed back stage during Dress Rehearsal and Recital.
Recital tickets prices are TBD. Dancers are free. Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Tickets will be sold at the studio on May 17 PLEASE NOTE: No lap sitting is permitted, unless the child is under 12 months and must be held.
Thursday, June 19, 6:00 pm Wood Ranch Country Club Simi Valley, CA
The recital banquet is a fun evening with dinner, dancing, and special awards for the dancers and their families. Ticket sales will start Monday, April 3rd, at the front desk. Banquet tickets prices are TBD, and seating is assigned when you purchase your tickets at the front desk. The dancer's ticket is included with the recital fee.
The cost of any recital media is now included in your recital fee. When the photos and videos are made available, the studio will send out a link.
Recital Picture Weekend
JUNE 6 - 8, 2025 All students are required to attend for their group photo. Group Photos are available for purchase on the day of the photo shoot. Picture Schedule will be posted at the studio. Individual Pictures are taken after the Class Group shot is done. Picture Packages will be available for purchase at the time of your group photo. Individual pictures will only be taken if a picture package is purchased.
Picture weekend for Recital, 2025 is in the tab below.